Thursday, March 30, 2017

Deleting only dupicate rows from the table using CTE

Suppose we have a table "Users" with columns Id, UserName and the table contains some duplicate rows.

How to remove only the duplicate rows from the above table.

Below is the Solution:

Monday, March 13, 2017

How to enable SQL Server IntelliSense | Troubleshooting SQL Server IntelliSense

Intellisense is the most useful feature in SQL Server. Full stack developers who are working on the SQL Server Management Studio they will know the pain if intellisense is not working, because they are habituated with the other IDE's which are much powerful in intellisense than SQL Server Management Studio. Let's find out how to enable the Intellisense feature. 

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
2. Go to Tools Or Click Alt + T and click Options
3.  Under Text Editor click on Transact - SQL and IntelliSense
4. Check "Enable IntelliSense" and click "OK".

Want to check IntelliSense is enabled or not ?

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
2. Go to Query Or click Alt + Q,
3.  You will find an option "IntelliSense Enabled", see whether that is highlighted or not.

IntelliSense is stopped working in between, don't worry we have an option to make it work again.

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
2. Got to Edit or click Alt + E
3. Now, click on IntelliSense and click "Refresh Local Cache"
4. Or you can use Shortcut key "Ctrl + Shift + R"

Still, Intellisense is not working uff, you got thug life then. There could be various reasons for this check out your reason. 

1. Have you installed any recent Microsoft products like visual studio 
2. Have you upgraded your SQL Server Management Studio to higher version. 
3. Have you uninstalled and again installed your SQL Server Studio

Could be other reasons also above are the most common,

Now, what to do ??

We live in a technology where we get everything in a form of plugins, you can install third party plugins which enables IntelliSense without doing any settings, one-of the most liked plugin is SQL Complete you can download the basic version for free. If you are rich enough then you can buy the premium :P :P

click on the below link, download and install. Enjoy free IntelliSense.

SQL Complete